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Rose Alvidrez Yuhas - 05-02-2016
Thank you for the invitation to the Reunion. It sounds like fun and I will try my best to be there. I am definitely due for a visit to Las Cruces! Thanks also for this wonderful website. Great memories! Martha Smith Nieto - 04-27-2016
had to come see your reunion hard work. Becky Barela Varela - 04-15-2016
This is a great website! Enjoyed looking at all the pictures. I am really looking forward to the reunion. Bruce Evans - 04-14-2016
Great website! I am going to try and make it to the reunion. fred jimenez - 03-31-2016
I will be there god willing Bruce F. Ruble - 03-13-2016
What a Great Web Site !
Food for thought... If those who put their TIME & EFFORT to BUILD THIS wonderful WEBSITE ....How about You ? Please HELP ( LIKE JUDI & The rest of the Site Builders have done) Help us Out ?
Got Photos/E-Mails or information on our Classmates ? PLEASE SHARE IT !
Bruce F.Ruble
OS1 (Sw) USN 22 1/2 Ret. Mark Stevenson - 03-01-2016
Looking forward to number 50. David Hemingway (Dave) - 03-01-2016
Looking forward to the 50th Judi Ewing Monet - 02-23-2016
Please help us locate all our 1966 classmates...we just need a current email address. Look through your closets and try to find old photos and/or memoribilia so you can post it here on the website. Share your old memories.... Let's make it a great 50th Reunion! Can't wait to see you all!
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